About The Virginia Oyster Trail
The Virginia Oyster Trail, a non-profit organization, rallies local communities across the Commonwealth and invites visitors to participate in a “journey of discovery” through eco-tourism, cultural and culinary experiences exploring the many “flavors” of Virginia’s Oysters and the distinctive coastal way of life featuring aquaculture and watermen.
The Virginia Oyster Trail is not just building a trail. The Virginia Oyster Trail is cultivating local economy.
The Virginia Oyster Trail operates under the guidance of an industry-centric, volunteer-led Board of Directors. We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the organizations and individuals, who, through their commitment to the Virginia Oyster Trail, are contributing to its success.
Virginia Oyster Trail Board of Directors:
- Bruce Vogt (VOT Board President) Big Island Aquaculture
- Stacey Shiflet (VOT Board Vice President of Membership) Virginia Beach Restaurant Association
- Shannon Alexander (VOT Board Secretary) VA DCR, Natural Heritage Program
- Lisa Hamaker (VOT Board Treasurer) Taste Virginia Tours
- Emily Bodsford, Atlantic Wildfowl Heritage Museum
- Tanner Council, Chesapeake Oyster Alliance
- Emily Machen, ESVA Tourism Commission
- Shauna McCranie, Reedsville Fishermen's Museum
- Laura Messer, Virginia Tourism Corporation
- Bethany Walton, Oyster South
- D’Arcy Weiss, Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts
Virginia Oyster Trail Staff:
Jessica Steelman, Communications Coordinator
e: getinvolved@virginiaoystertrail.com
Julia Grenn, VIMS Fellow & VOT Intern
Places To Visit
Spotlight on Lancaster County in Virginia’s Northern Neck
Trail Tips
- Call ahead
- Save your Trip Plan
- Paddle safety tips
- Ask about your oysters!