
About The Virginia Oyster Trail

The Virginia Oyster Trail, a non-profit organization, rallies local communities across the Commonwealth and invites visitors to participate in a “journey of discovery” through eco-tourism, cultural and culinary experiences exploring the many “flavors” of Virginia’s Oysters and the distinctive coastal way of life featuring aquaculture and watermen.

The Virginia Oyster Trail is not just building a trail. The Virginia Oyster Trail is cultivating local economy.

The Virginia Oyster Trail operates under the guidance of an industry-centric, volunteer-led Board of Directors. We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the organizations and individuals, who, through their commitment to the Virginia Oyster Trail, are contributing to its success.

Virginia Oyster Trail Board of Directors:

Virginia Oyster Trail Staff:

Jessica Steelman, Communications Coordinator
e: getinvolved@virginiaoystertrail.com

Julia Grenn, VIMS Fellow & VOT Intern

Eastern Shore

Places To Visit

Spotlight on Lancaster County in Virginia’s Northern Neck

Trail Tips

Itinerary Sponsors